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Error handling with Mongoose

I am an absolute NodeJS beginner and want to create a simple REST-Webservice with Express and Mongoose.

Whats the best practice to handle errors of Mongoose in one central place?

When anywhere an database error occurs I want to return a Http-500-Error-Page with an error message:

if(error) {
  res.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
  res.write('{error: "' + error + '"}');

In the old tutorial I read about an global error listener:


But this doesn't seem to work and I cannot find something in the official Mongoose documentation about this listener. Have I check for errors after every Mongo request?


  • Simpler and more up to date solution IMO:

    Connection errors

    Handle connection level errors when you instantiate your db:

    const mongooseConnection = mongoose.createConnection(databaseURL)
    mongooseConnection.on('error', err => {
      throw new Error('Mongo database connexion error')

    Query level errors

    Query level errors may appear if you write fields with wrong types or use query options (populate, sort...) incorrectly. We can use a more readable/up to date try catch await over the old promise.callback.catch syntax (mongoose doc)

    try {
      await Band.findOne({ _id: badId }).exec();
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error('Mongo database connexion error')

    BONUS: advices and good practices

    => Use an error handler across all your app

    Error handling in the 2 example above are not very relevant because you loose all contextual informations (mongo error msg, stack trace, database name, userId...)

    You may handle errors in a centralized way so that you can pass contextual informations alongside the error message like so:

    try { ... } catch (err) {
      throw ApplicationError(
          // Here we pass additional informations
          // this will help handling the error on the express api side
          httpCode: err instanceof mongoose.Error.ValidationError ? 422 : 500,
          // with this one you can display original error messsage/stack trace
          originalError: err, 
          // other contextual informations may be useful to display
          // but be carreful not to display sensitive informations
          // here (Eg DB connection string)
    class ApplicationError extends Error {
      constructor(errMsg, additionalInfos) {
        // Here handle error as you want

    List of all error types thrown by mongoose

    => Use a request handler to handle all mongoose queries the same way

    A common pattern to avoid duplicating code is to create a function to handle the execution of mongoose promise for you:

    async function afterRequest(mongoosePromise, { sort, page, limit }) {
      try {
        if (sort) promise.sort(sort)
        // PAGINATION
        if (page) promise.skip( * limit || 25).limit(limit || 25)
        else if (limit) promise.limit(limit)
        return await promise.exec()
      } catch (err) { /** handle error like in the above code */ }

    So we can now use it like:

    const mongoosePromise = Band.find()
    afterRequest(mongoosePromise, { page: 1, limit: 10 })

    This pattern has the advantage of:

    • handling all in the same place, so it's the safest place to add custom code for security handling or validation for example
    • easily exposing some options like pagination... to api or some services that you may not want to deal directly with mongoose requests

    The above is juste a very simplified example, but to go further, here are some features we could implement:

    • check if the user has the permission to populate
    • masking certain fields in filter or updated/created fields related to user permissions (a simple user may not been able to write his permissions for example)
    • force certain filters (companyAdmin may have access only to their company so we want to enforce filter { companyId: user.companyId }
    • ...