I'm working on a rust application that reads a mongodb document. The connection is done using a string that should represent a replica set: "mongodb://host1:port1,host2:port2...".
I use similar code to the following:
let servers_list = "mongodb://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3";
let mut client_options = ClientOptions::parse(servers_list).await?;
servers_list.app_name - Some("name".to_string());
let client = Client::with_options(client_options)?;
let db = client.database("database_name".to_string())?;
let collection = db.collection::<Document>("collection_name".to_string());
Given that only host1:port1 is valid, my read attempt crashes with a returned Result Err. I wish to read from just one of the servers, without checking all of them for validity.
When connecting to the same replica set using Compass, I get a connection to the valid host, and its just like trying to connect to that one without mentioning the others.
So my question is: Can I get the same behavior using the rust library without any special error handling on my side? Is it possible to use the options to get that behavior?
The issue turned out to be a bad server configuration, which caused the mongodb servers to just be 3 independent servers, and when the client failed to obtain one of the connections it returned the error.