I have a single table, books
, with multiple columns, one of the columns categories
is an array of strings
select * from books where exists (select * from (select unnest(books.categories)) x(categories) where x.categories ilike 'fiction%');
Having lots of trouble converting this to SQLAlchemy query string. What I am trying to do is to get all books that has at least a single category starting with the word 'fiction'.
(the simple query below does not work, it is just so you can easily understand what I am trying to achieve with the complex query above)
select categories from books where 'fiction%' ilike any(categories);
You need column valued functions, the following are lines of importance.
column_valued = func.unnest(Book.categories).column_valued()
statement = select(Book).where(select(column_valued).where(column_valued.ilike('fiction%')).exists())
The code generates the following sql
SELECT books.id, books.name, books.categories
FROM books
FROM unnest(books.categories) AS anon_1
WHERE anon_1 ILIKE %(param_1)s::VARCHAR)
Here is a complete example that shows what you want.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select, func, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class Book(Base):
__tablename__ = 'books'
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
categories: Mapped[list[str]] = mapped_column(ARRAY(String))
engine = create_engine("connection string")
with Session(engine) as session:
# insert sample test data
session.add(Book(name='Book 1', categories=['fiction', 'mystery', 'romance', 'adventure'])) # just fiction
session.add(Book(name='Book 2', categories=['historical', 'horror'])) # no fiction
session.add(Book(name='Book 3', categories=['fiction historical', 'horror'])) # starts with fiction
session.add(Book(name='Book 4', categories=['horror'])) # no fiction
session.add(Book(name='Book 5', categories=['fiction romance', 'horror'])) # starts with fiction
with Session(engine) as session:
column_valued = func.unnest(Book.categories).column_valued()
statement = select(Book).where(
for i in session.scalars(statement):
Book 1
Book 3
Book 5
Books where none of the categories start with fiction
are not shown here, which I believe is what you want.