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Using a input variable as a numeric and string on a Shiny APP

So, i created a program to optimize my marketing budget. As an input, the user need to set the total budget. I create this input variable as "cust_tot" in the Shiny UI code below:

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Budget Optimizer"),
      numericInput("custo_tot", "Valor total do Investimento:", value = 3243452, min = 0),
      actionButton("submit", "Otimizar")

In order to get the data, i need to query, but the variable "custo_tot" (inputed by the user) is also going to be part of the query:

in my original code, it was something like that:

sql <- " query here " 
sql = gsub("custo_rest_min_aux", custo_rest_min_aux, sql)
sql = gsub("custo_rest_max_aux", custo_rest_max_aux, sql)
sql = gsub("month_rest", sQuote(month_rest), sql)
sql = gsub("custo_tot", input$custo_tot, sql)
tb <- bq_project_query(projectid, sql)
df = bq_table_download(tb) %>% data.frame()

But i know that i cant simply use input$custo_tot because it shows the following error message:

Error in input$custo_tot : 
  Can't access reactive value 'custo_tot' outside of reactive consumer.
ℹ Do you need to wrap inside reactive() or observe()?

how should i deal with this?


  • As the error specifies, you cannot access the input list unless you are inside a reactive consumer:

    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      sql <- reactive({
        sql <- " query here " 
        sql = gsub("custo_rest_min_aux", custo_rest_min_aux, sql)
        sql = gsub("custo_rest_max_aux", custo_rest_max_aux, sql)
        sql = gsub("month_rest", sQuote(month_rest), sql)
        sql = gsub("custo_tot", input$custo_tot, sql)

    This will make it a reactive so any time the inputs are updated this reactive will lazily update. Remember to use this reactive you need to call it like: sql().