I am porting some code from Matlab (v2019b) to python (3.9.12, scipy 1.7.3). I am seeing differences between the results from the Matlab call decimate(A, subsample, 'fir')
and scipy.signal.decimate(A, subsample, ftype='fir')
. I cannot share the code I am working on, but here is a toy example:
artest = 1:109;
artestd = decimate(artest, 2, 'fir');
ans =
Columns 1 through 12
79.0000 81.0000 83.0000 85.0000 87.0000 89.0000 91.0000 93.0000 95.0000 97.0000 99.0000 101.0000
Columns 13 through 16
103.0000 105.0000 107.0000 109.0000
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal as sg
artest = np.arange(1,110)
artestd = sg.decimate(artest, 2, ftype='fir')
array([ 79. , 81. , 83. , 85. ,
87. , 89. , 91.15805094, 92.89257099,
95.39239802, 96.50650778, 99.98896804, 99.62335551,
105.34812902, 101.32449627, 114.35633594, 81.63376904])
I am not super experienced with digital filters, so maybe I am making a simple error. Why does the python output appear to oscillate at the end of the array? Ultimately, how can I get the python to match the Matlab?
I tried to change the order of the filter in Python with the 'n=XX' parameter in sg.decimate. I see that it seems to behave better with odd values, but it still seems to oscillate at the end of the output array.
I am expecting the Python output to accurately match the Matlab output.
I ended up following dankal444's advice. The following worked for me:
def FIRdecimate(inputArray, r, nfilt=30):
if int(r)==1:
return inputArray.copy()
b=sg.firwin(nfilt+1, 1/r, window='hamming', pass_zero='lowpass')
#lead-in points
inputArrayPadding = 2*inputArray[0] - inputArray[range(nfilt+1, 0, -1)]
_, zf = sg.lfilter(b, 1, inputArrayPadding, zi=np.zeros(nfilt, dtype=int))
outputArray, zf = sg.lfilter(b,1,inputArray, zi=zf)
#lead-out points
inputArrayPadding=2*inputArray[len(inputArray)-1]-inputArray[range(len(inputArray)-2, len(inputArray)-2*nfilt-4, -1)]
outputArrayPadding,_ = sg.lfilter(b, 1, inputArrayPadding, zi=zf)
#get start point
_, gd = sg.group_delay((b,1),8)
#take every rth point
ndxs = []
for i in range(int(gd[0]+ 0.75), len(inputArray), r):
outputArray = outputArray[ndxs]
startpoint = r - (len(inputArray)-ndxs[-1])
outputArray = np.concatenate((outputArray, outputArrayPadding[range(startpoint, startpoint+int(np.ceil(len(inputArray)/r)-len(outputArray))*r-1, r)]))
return outputArray