Search code examples

GraphQl Resolver Flow

type Query {
 content (query: Query!): Content!  

type Content {
  minions: Mold!  
  bosses: [FormattedNote]!  

type FormattedNote  {
  id: Int!  
  status: Int!  
  note: String!  
  content: String!      
 descendentsSums: [Int!]!  

type Mold {
  notes: [BossNoteMold]!  

type BossNoteMold {
  bossId: Int!  
  noteId: Int!  
  ordinal: Int!  
 owner: Int!  

I am aware that parent nodes are resolved first. Therefore in the above mentioned schema. Content field will be resolved first. Therefore my question is, will field id be resolved before field notes ? From what I understand minions and bosses are resolved asynchronously and therefor whether id or notes is resolved first is dependent on which parent is resolved first. Right?


  • The resolver order will be:

    1. content (query)
    2. Content.minions and Content.bosses in parallel … minions should return a single Mold object. That object will then resolve its notes field which will return an array of BossNoteMold types

    bosses should return an array of FormattedNote objects. Each one of those will then fire its field resolvers

    There is little predictability in the order of operations after #1 as all these happen asynchronously and take various amounts of time depending on the complexity of each resolver.

    The resolvers for the fields of a FormattedNote should have no dependency on the resolvers for a Mold type and vice-versa as neither are parents of the other.

    Note: your model for the BossNoteMold type refers to IDs of related objects. It is more customary to refer to the related objects directly. Ex:

    type BossNoteMold {
      boss: Boss!  
      note: Note!  
      ordinal: Int!  
      owner: User!  

    In other words link to related objects by value instead of by reference (id). Referring by ID is a SQL practice that doesn't need to carry over to your GraphQL model.