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Is it possible to use HangFire without the Dashboard and Server options?

I have an core MVC site where I need to use hangfire, then I have a hangfire server.

I need to use the hangfire dashboard only on the server. But if I don't use the app.UseHangfireDashboard(), the following exception happens.


var configuration = builder.Configuration;
var hangfireConnectionStrings = configuration.GetConnectionString("Hangfire");
builder.Services.AddHangfire(conf =>


System.InvalidOperationException: Current JobStorage instance has not been initialized yet. You must set it before using Hangfire Client or Server API. For .NET Core applications please call the `IServiceCollection.AddHangfire` extension method from Hangfire.NetCore or Hangfire.AspNetCore package depending on your application type when configuring the services and ensure service-based APIs are used instead of static ones, like `IBackgroundJobClient` instead of `BackgroundJob` and `IRecurringJobManager` instead of `RecurringJob`.

I understand that it happened because there is some configuration pending, but I couldn't find any way to use hangfire without calling UseHangfireDashboard or AddHangfireServer.


  • I resolved it by creating this extension, the most important line here is

    var gc = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IGlobalConfiguration>();

    I understand that it initialize the service.

    public static class HangfireExtensions
        public static IApplicationBuilder UseHangfire(this IApplicationBuilder app)
            ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(app, nameof(app));
            var gc = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IGlobalConfiguration>();
            ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(gc, nameof(gc));
            ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(JobStorage.Current, nameof(JobStorage.Current));
            return app;