I'm using TemplateStudio to build my project
In Views > TestPage.xaml
<TextBox x:Name="MessageInput" />
And in Views > TestPage.xaml.cs
using FluentQQ.ViewModels;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace FluentQQ.Views;
public sealed partial class TestPage : Page
public TestViewModel ViewModel
public TestPage()
ViewModel = App.GetService<TestViewModel>();
Then, I tried to get the contents of the TextBox "MessageInput"
So, in ViewModels > TestViewModel.cs, I use
But it dosen't work
CS0103 The name 'MessageInput' does not exist in the current context
I know this question may very simple,but forgive me for just being a beginner
As the error message indicates, the MessageInput
control does not exits in *TestPageViewModel. With MVVM, usually, you should use bindings to get data from your view.
Just to make sure we are on the same page, in this case:
Install the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm nuget package. This will make your life easier if you are using the MVVM pattern.
In your ViewModel, TestPageViewModel:
// This class needs to be "partial"
// for the "CommunityToolkit.Mvvm" source generators.
public partial class TestPageViewModel : ObservableObject
// The source generators will create
// an UI interactable "SomeText" property for you.
private string someText;
public sealed partial class TestPage : Page
public TestViewModel ViewModel { get; }
public TestPage()
ViewModel = App.GetService<TestViewModel>();
Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.SomeText, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
That's all. SomeText will be updated every time you change the text in the TextBox
By the way, you can access the TextBox
directly from code-behind. Just make sure you use x:Name
to name it.
MessageInput.Text = "some text";