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Does Next.js SSR caching store all data or just the returned data?

I'm working with an API that come with a pagination function but doesn't sort data based on the client's requirements. To work around this I'm fetching all data from the API inside getServerSideProps and only returning a portion of the data based on page number.

// getServerSideProps

export const getServerSideProps = (ctx) => {
    'public, s-maxage=60, stale-while-revalidate=120'

  const page =
  const itemsPerPage = 6

  const products = await getDataFromApi() //api sdk method

  const featured = products.filter(isFeatured).sort(alphabetical)
  const notFeatured = products.filter(isNotFeatured).sort(alphabetical)

  const sortedProducts = [...featured, ...notFeatured]

  return {
    props : {
      products : sortedProducts.slice(page - 1 * itemsPerPage, (page * itemsPerPage) + 1)


Edit: I used fetch as an example to simplify and make the code generic but irl, I'm actually using the api's sdk. I am also looking for any suggestions for a solution since I have been informed that this data may be in the thousands.

Does the cache control store all the data or only the ones returned after slicing? I want to reduce refetching if possible. The API sorting can only sort 1 field, I need to sort as such that featured products are shown in the first pages while sorted alphabetically within the featured block and non featured block respectively. Looking for a scalable solution as when the amount of data increases I'm concerned about load times and impacts on performance.


I've tried client-side fetching and sorting but I figured it's using the same logic so I moved it to server-side.

I've tried passing and storing all data on client-side in a state but I'm not sure on the load on the client side and performance impacts.


  • If you are using the fetch api it caches by default everything you tried to fetch. Take a look at the documentation