I work on asp.net core razor page . I face issue How to convert complicated sql query to entity framework core 7
Exactly I need to convert this SQL statement to LINQ to entity without write SQL statement on csharp meaning i need to use code first entity framework core 7
function below get values separated comma and convert it to list based on related Print server .
public DataTable GetBranchesRelatedToServer(string PrintServer)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
cmd.CommandText = ";with cte as (SELECT distinct PrintServer,REPLACE (Split.A.value('.', 'VARCHAR(4000)') , ' ', '' ) as BranchId FROM (SELECT BranchCode, PrintServer,CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(BranchCode, ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS String FROM [dbo].[tbl_branchPDFexe]) AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(A)) select t.PrintServer,t.BranchId,b.vBranchDesc from cte t inner join [dbo].[tbl_Branch] b with(nolock) on t.BranchId=b.iBranchCode and PrintServer=@PrintServer";
return dt;
when models used is
public class BranchPDFexe
public decimal Id { get; set; }
public string BranchCode { get; set; }
public string PrintServer { get; set; }
public class Branch
public string iBranchCode { get; set; }
public string vBranchDesc { get; set; }
Data input before query run on table tbl_branchPDFexe
Table structure tbl_Branch
Expected result will be
so code will be after convert it to entity framework core
public list GetBranchesRelatedToServer(string PrintServer)
// so How to make it by linq to entity
return list
updated post
as you say .NET core 7 don't support CTE with xml
can you show to me available ways can do it by using entity framework core 7
updated post can you please help me to apply this logic
1-return list of BranchCode without comma separated from table BranchPDFexe
2-join with table Branch to get branchName so no need to depend on sql
So How to do these steps please
Update Post
can you please help me to solve issue without using sql query as below
var distinctBranchCodesAndPrintServers = _adc.BranchPDFexe
.SelectMany(b => b.BranchCode.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(bc => new { BranchCode = bc.Trim(), b.PrintServer }));
but i get error
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The LINQ expression 'b => b.BranchCode.Split(
separator: char[] { , },
options: RemoveEmptyEntries)
Update Post
sql statment
cmd.CommandText = ";with cte as (SELECT distinct PrintServer,REPLACE (Split.A.value('.', 'VARCHAR(4000)') , ' ', '' ) as BranchId FROM (SELECT BranchCode, PrintServer,CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(BranchCode, ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS String FROM [dbo].[tbl_branchPDFexe]) AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(A)) select t.PrintServer,t.BranchId,b.vBranchDesc from cte t inner join [dbo].[tbl_Branch] b with(nolock) on t.BranchId=b.iBranchCode and PrintServer=@PrintServer";
statement above split branch code from table BranchPDFexe to list of
numbers then join with table tbl_branches to get VBranchDesc
so BranchCode have 10206,10207,101lc01 for print server 10 will be
10206 10
10207 10
101lc01 10
and after that join with table tbl_branches to get vbranchDesc so it will be
10206 Jumira 10
10207 Al Aweer 10
101lc01 MalCamp- Alquoz 10
so final Statement will be
PrinterServer iBranchCode VBranchDesc
I'll preface by saying: your database design is fundamentally broken. You should normalize the table out into separate rows..
You can use STRING_SPLIT
in a raw query to get an IQueryable<string>
, which you can then compose over to get the rest of the joins.
public static IQueryable<string> GetSplitBranchPdf(this YourDbContext db, string printServer)
return db.Database.SqlQueryRaw<string>(@"
TRIM(v.value) AS Value
FROM dbo.tbl_branchPDFexe bpd
CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(bpd.BranchCode, ',') v
WHERE bpd.PrintServer = @PrintServer
new SqlParameter("@PrintServer", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) { Value = printServer }
public async Task<List<MyResult>> GetBranchesRelatedToServer(string printServer)
var splitBranches = Db.GetSplitBranchPdf(printServer);
// must do this in a separate step, do not merge
var results =
from b in Db.Branch
join t in splitBranches
on t equals b.iBranchCode
select new MyResult {
PrintServer = printServer,
BranchId = t.BranchId,
vBranchDesc = b.vBranchDesc
return results.ToListAsync();
For raw queries returning a single scalar column we can use db.Database.SqlQueryRaw
, and the column name must be Value
. Otherwise we need to use a full entity with db.Set<SomeEntity>.FromSqlRaw
Note that the first function returns an IQueryable
. It does not run any anything until it's actually queried, which means it is composable.