I have an Azure Function App running powershell script. I use Connect-MgGraph cmdlet to connect to Microsoft graph API but its failing with error as -
"**ERROR: The 'Connect-MgGraph' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication', but the module could not be loaded**. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication'"
Can someone help resolve the error please ?
I have all the Graph modules available in Managed-dependency folder for this app. Also, I have also already added below required Modules as dependency management in Requirements.psd1.
'Microsoft.Graph' = '2.1.0'
'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' = '2.1.0'
Also, tried to run Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication explicitly in run.ps1 and through profile.ps1 but its not executed correctly
Use these commands in run.ps1 to connect to Microsoft graph:
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph
'Microsoft.Graph' = '2.2.0'