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Flutter analyze result on Jenkins

Is there a way to show the result of

flutter analyze

which is executed during a Jenkins build on the result page, like e.g. this graph for Android:

static analysis android

Can we use the Warnings-NG plugin with recordIssues-function? How to configure the function?


  • I solved the issue by configuring a custom Groovy Parser as described here:

    1. Goto Manage Jenkins -> System -> Section "Groovy Based Warnings Parsers"
    2. Click on Add
    3. Configure:

    Name and ID are arbitrary values. Regular Expression: ^\[(.*)\] (.*) \((.*):(\d*):(\d*)\) Mapping Script:

    String message =
    String file =
    return builder

    Example Log Message:

    [info] Missing a required trailing comma (/Users/user/Development/CICD/template-flutter/lib/main.dart:55:13)
    [info] Missing a required trailing comma (/Users/user/Development/CICD/template-flutter/lib/main.dart:105:16)

    Save the changes.

    Using the Groovy Parser:

    In your Jenkinsfile add this for declarative pipelines:

    stage('Static Analysis'){
        steps {
            sh label: 'flutter analyze', script: 'fvm flutter analyze --write=flutter_analyze_report.txt || true'
        post {
            always {
                recordIssues(tools: [groovyScript(id: 'flutter-analyze', name: 'Flutter Analyze', parserId: '<the id you have configured in system settings>', pattern: '**/flutter_analyze_report.txt')])