I have a filter expression and Key Condition The filter expression is {"Age":{"eq":3},"Sex":{"eq":"MALE"}}
const params: QueryCommandInput = {
TableName: my_table_name,
KeyConditionExpression: 'userId = :userId and begins_with(lastName, :lastName)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues,
FilterExpression: filterExpression, // Assuming fullFilter is a valid FilterExpression
ExpressionAttributeNames: expressionNames
I want to pass the above filter expression as a string which I am doing using
getFilterExpression(filter) {
const expressions = [];
Object.entries(filter).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const expressionKey = `#${key}`;
const expressionValue = `:${key}`;
expressions.push(`${expressionKey} = ${expressionValue}`);
return expressions.length > 0 ? expressions.join(' AND ') : undefined;
ExpressionAttributeNames = {"#Age":"Age","#Sex":"Sex"}
But now I want to pass in the Age and Sex values in ExpressionAttributeValues
How can I extract the Key 'Age', 'Sex' and only the values
I have this piece of code which is not working as expected
filter = #Age = :Age AND #Sex = :Sex
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(filter)) {
expressionNames[`#${k}`] = k;
sets.push(`#${k} = :${k}`);
expValues[`:${k}`] = typeof v === 'number' ? { N: v } : { S: v };
which gives me
and when I pass this to the DyanmoDb query I get an error
The problem lies in the formation of the ExpressionAttributeValues
Try this:
const filter = {
Age: {eq: 3},
Sex: {eq: "MALE"}
const expressionAttributeValues = {}
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(filter)) {
expressionAttributeValues[`:${k}`] = v.eq;