I am using Laravel 10 + Backpack 6. Backpack 6 used ckeditor5 under the hood.
I want to use custom build of ckeditor with some additional plugins.
I did everything is mention in this post - CKEditor toolbars in Backpack
and here is my file structure with defenition of field:
Unfortunately it does not work. In browser i see that server returns 404 for my scripts:
Make sure you placed the files in the correct path: \resources\assets\ckeditor\ckeditor.js
Make sure you only placed there what's inside the build folder.
If that path is correct, please go to basset folder (default is \public\storage\basset\
) and check if the files are cached there, at \public\storage\basset\resources\assets\ckeditor\ckeditor.js
I'm assuming basset is working properly for you and the admin panel has no issues, so it should be related with this paths 👌
If the files are there, it should work. If the files aren't there, something is wrong with the placement of the files.
Let me know 🙌