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ERROR: access denied to perform action "list" on "role", access denied to perform action "read" on "role"

for a CI/CD pipeline, i need an image for connecting to my teleport cluster to use a bot, which i will a create. Therefore i have installed gravitational/teleport:12.4.11 (following this link ) with all required tools. The Log-in using tsh login works fine, but the following tctl get usersor tctl get roles --format=text throws ERROR: access denied to perform action "list" on "role", access denied to perform action "read" on "role". I highly appreciate any tips or suggestions you may give to resolve this.


  • It seems that the user who logged in using the tsh login command does not have the necessary privileges to view a list of users or roles with tctl.

    You can try adding a role that grants the required permissions. Here's an example of a role configuration manage-users-and-roles.yaml:

    kind: role
      description: role to manage users & roles 
      name: manage-users-and-roles
        - resources:
          - user
          - role
          - read
          - list
          - create
          - read
          - update
          - delete
      deny: {}
    version: v4

    Add this role to teleport :

    tctl create -f manage-users-and-roles.yaml

    And then link this role with your user :

    tctl users update <your-username> --set-roles <existing-roles>,manage-users-and-roles

    Note that you should be connected on your teleport server with the admin user

    You can find more information about managing roles on teleport in their docs :