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Difference between locator.allInnerTexts(), locator.allTextContents(), locator.innerText(), locator.selectText(), locator.textContent() in playwright

I was writing some playwright tests and there was situation where I wanted to extract the text from span with text "span-2". See below snippet -

<div data-testid="some-div">

I know there are number of ways to get it and I have found one as well but while I was going through the playwright docs, I found some text based methods that we can call on the locator objects, like

allInnerTexts(), allTextContents(), innerText(), selectText(), textContent()

As of now I am aware of innerText() method and gives the inner text inside the element, like below.

<div data-testid="some-div">

so await page.getByTestId("some-div").innerText(); will give "hello-1"

What are these other used methods used for? Docs doesn't have much examples. It would be great if I can get some examples around these method and if any one of these methods can be used (directly or indirectly) to solve my problem above?

Thanks in advance!


    • allInnerTexts will grab all the elements matching your locator and return an array with their innerText.

    • allTextContents will grab all the elements matching your locator and return an array with their textContent.

    • innerText and textContent will return those values but only for one item. You might want to use first to make sure only one element is matched.

    • selectText is an action. It will select the text of an input.

    You can read about the difference between innerText and textContent here.