I want to retrieve metadata/properties from a DWG stored in BIM360. Assuming this endpoint can be used.
How can I get the urn of the DWG for this API call?
Does the DM API provide that information? Or do I have to translate the DWG into SVF myself in my own bucket?
The viewer can show the DWG very quickly, so I think the SVF is stored anywhere. When loaded into the viewer I could use the viewer method getBulkProperties(), but I want to retrieve metadata without viewing the model.
First you need to retrieve your file in BIM360. You can follow this tutorial Download file until step 5 (btw if you want the latest version of your file you can use Get tip instead of Get versions.
Into relationships
, you should get something like that :
"derivatives": {
"data": {
"type": "derivatives",
"id": "dXJuOmFkc2sud2lwc3RnOmZzLmZpbGU6dmYuNmJWcjRFVkRTYU9weWtjemVRWVIyUT92ZXJzaW9uPTE"
}, ...
is your file urn.
Now you can follow this tutorial Extract metadata to get metadata and properties.