I’m looking for a solution to convert a UUID to a string using projection. I’ve tried many different ways, but none of them are working.
The stranger thing is that Metabase displays the ID correctly, but I cannot manipulate this data because it’s not in string format.
Thanks a lot
Thank you a lot, your answer help me !
But in my case my Id was BinData 3
"_id": BinData(3, "OyQRAeK7QlWMr0E2xWapYg==")
I refactor your answer as follow :
"$project": {
"_idUUIDstr": {
"$function": {
"body": "function convert(s){let t=s.hex();var r=t.substr(6,2)+t.substr(4,2)+t.substr(2,2)+t.substr(0,2),u=t.substr(10,2)+t.substr(8,2),b=t.substr(14,2)+t.substr(12,2),e=t.substr(16,16);return t=r+u+b+e,t.substr(0,8)+'-'+t.substr(8,4)+'-'+t.substr(12,4)+'-'+t.substr(16,4)+'-'+t.substr(20,12)}",
"args": [
"lang": "js"
and is work perfectly
"_id": BinData(3, "OyQRAeK7QlWMr0E2xWapYg=="),
"_idUUIDstr": "0111243b-bbe2-5542-8caf-4136c566a962"