I'm creating an ansible role and I want to define my defaults in the following manner as an example:
include_mas_mount: false
include_log_mount: false
- name: 1st default mount
mountdir: /data/mount1
nasdir: /vol1/mount1
- name: 2nd default mount
mountdir: /data/mount2
nasdir: /vol1/mount2
{% if include_mas_mount %}
- name: mas mount
mountdir: /data/mas_mount
nasdir: /vol1/mas_mount
{% endif %}
{% if include_log_mount %}
- name: log mount
mountdir: /data/log_mount
nasdir: /vol1/log_mount
{% endif %}
In testing this role I get a jinja templating error. Is this sort of thing possible? Or does it have be done differently. The idea with the role is that the include_mas_mount
and include_log_mount
variables would be overridden by a host or group override.
The role is expected to loop over the mounts:
list of dictionaries and create the defined mounts on the target device.
You can quickfix the above by slightly changing your mounts
mounts: |-
{% filter from_yaml %}
- name: 1st default mount
mountdir: /data/mount1
nasdir: /vol1/mount1
- name: 2nd default mount
mountdir: /data/mount2
nasdir: /vol1/mount2
{% if include_mas_mount %}
- name: mas mount
mountdir: /data/mas_mount
nasdir: /vol1/mas_mount
{% endif %}
{% if include_log_mount %}
- name: log mount
mountdir: /data/log_mount
nasdir: /vol1/log_mount
{% endif %}
{% endfilter %}
Meanwhile, this is not the best approach for at least 2 reasons:
in defaults/main.yml
although (from your description) you do not want users to override that variable directly.The following will give the exact same result fixing the above problems. I used the name my_role
for the role
First, we keep in roles/my_role/defaults/main.yml
only the variables which will be user overridable:
include_mas_mount: false
include_log_mount: false
Then we create the following roles/my_role/vars/main.yml
which contains roles variables we do not want users to play with:
name: mas mount
mountdir: /data/mas_mount
nasdir: /vol1/mas_mount
name: log mount
mountdir: /data/log_mount
nasdir: /vol1/log_mount
- name: 1st default mount
mountdir: /data/mount1
nasdir: /vol1/mount1
- name: 2nd default mount
mountdir: /data/mount2
nasdir: /vol1/mount2
mounts: "{{ default_mounts
+ ([log_mount] if include_log_mount | bool else [])
+ ([mas_mount] if include_mas_mount | bool else []) }}"
In the above, the use of bool
is a best practice to make sure the value is interpreted as a boolean as users may override your variable with content that otherwise translates to a string (like e.g. when using a vars_prompt
For the tests, I created the following dummy roles/my_role/tasks/main.yml
- name: Debug mounts var
var: mounts
and ran the role from the following playbook.yml
- name: Test my conditional list in role
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: my_role
- name: my_role
include_mas_mount: true
- name: my_role
include_log_mount: true
- name: my_role
include_mas_mount: true
include_log_mount: true
Which gives:
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
PLAY [Test my conditional list in role] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [my_role : Debug mounts var] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"mounts": [
"mountdir": "/data/mount1",
"name": "1st default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount1"
"mountdir": "/data/mount2",
"name": "2nd default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount2"
TASK [my_role : Debug mounts var] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"mounts": [
"mountdir": "/data/mount1",
"name": "1st default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount1"
"mountdir": "/data/mount2",
"name": "2nd default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount2"
"mountdir": "/data/mas_mount",
"name": "mas mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mas_mount"
TASK [my_role : Debug mounts var] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"mounts": [
"mountdir": "/data/mount1",
"name": "1st default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount1"
"mountdir": "/data/mount2",
"name": "2nd default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount2"
"mountdir": "/data/log_mount",
"name": "log mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/log_mount"
TASK [my_role : Debug mounts var] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"mounts": [
"mountdir": "/data/mount1",
"name": "1st default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount1"
"mountdir": "/data/mount2",
"name": "2nd default mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mount2"
"mountdir": "/data/log_mount",
"name": "log mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/log_mount"
"mountdir": "/data/mas_mount",
"name": "mas mount",
"nasdir": "/vol1/mas_mount"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0