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GroupBy Spark Dataframe and manipulate aggregated data as string

The tranfformation is happening in AWS Glue Spark job. In the example below I group rows by “item_guid” and “item_name” and aggregate “option” column into a collection set. A collection set is an array, however later I will need to map it to a Postgres database and I need to make that array into a string. Thus,

array_to_string_df = grouped_df.withColumn("option", concat_ws(',', col("option"))) 

will transform options into comma separated strings. However, for the Postgres which column for options has type text[], the string must be enclosed into curly braces and should look like: {90000,86000,81000}

The question: How can I in the latest step of transformation make options value into “{90000,86000,81000}” enclosed string? It seems like a simple trick but I couln't come up with an elegant solution to solve it.

Code Example:

from pyspark.sql.functions import collect_list, collect_set, concat_ws, col, lit

simpleData = [("001","1122","YPIA_PROD",90000),

rrd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(simpleData)
df = rrd.toDF(["id","item_guid","item_name","option"])

grouped_df = df.groupby("item_guid", "item_name").agg(collect_set("option").alias("option"))

array_to_string_df = grouped_df.withColumn("option", concat_ws(',', col("option")))

DF show output:

| id| item_guid|item_name|option|
|001|      1122|YPIA_PROD| 90000|
|002|      1122|YPIA_PROD| 86000|
|003|      1122|YPIA_PROD| 81000|
|004|      1122| YPIA_ABC| 90000|
|005|      1133|YPIA_PROD| 99000|
|006|      1133|YPIA_PROD| 83000|
|007|      1144|YPIA_PROD| 79000|
|008|      1144|YPIA_PROD| 80000|
|009|      1144| YPIA_ABC| 91000|

| item_guid|item_name|              option|
|      1133|YPIA_PROD|      [83000, 99000]|
|      1122|YPIA_PROD|[90000, 86000, 81...|
|      1122| YPIA_ABC|             [90000]|
|      1144|YPIA_PROD|      [79000, 80000]|
|      1144| YPIA_ABC|             [91000]|

|item_guid |item_name|           option|
|      1133|YPIA_PROD|      83000,99000|
|      1122|YPIA_PROD|90000,86000,81000|
|      1122| YPIA_ABC|            90000|
|      1144|YPIA_PROD|      79000,80000|
|      1144| YPIA_ABC|            91000|


  • from pyspark.sql.functions import collect_list, collect_set,concat, concat_ws, 
    col, lit 
    simpleData = [("001","1122","YPIA_PROD",90000),
    schema = ["id","item_guid","item_name","option"]
    df = spark.createDataFrame(data=simpleData, schema = schema)
    grouped_df = df.groupby("item_guid", 
    array_to_string_df = grouped_df.withColumn("option", concat_ws(',', col("option")) ).select(col("item_guid"), col("item_name"), concat(lit("{"), col("option"), lit("}")).alias("option"))