I'm using Nest.js with Swagger and the Swagger CLI enabled. I have an endpoint in a controller which has an optional boolean query parameter: includeAll
that defaults to false. The endpoint looks like:
@Query('includeArtifacts', ParseOptionalBool)
includeArtifacts = false,
) {
return this.toursService.findAll({ includeArtifacts });
I'm using an Injectable Pipe Transform similar to what is described in the docs to parse the optional boolean value seen here:
export const toBoolean = (value?: string): boolean => {
value = value?.toLowerCase();
return value === 'true' || value === '1';
export class ParseOptionalBool implements PipeTransform {
transform(value?: any, metadata?: ArgumentMetadata): any {
return toBoolean(value);
Everything functions successfully; however, as seen below when I view the endpoint in Swagger there is no mention of my includeArtifacts
you can create simple class like this below:
export class ParseOptionalBool {
includeArtifacts: boolean;
and your controller will be like this:
@Query() dto: ParseOptionalBool;
) {
return this.toursService.findAll(dto);
but this will return object with string type, not boolean type, if you want to parse boolean type, you should do like this below:
@Transform(({ obj }) => obj.includeArtifacts == 'true')
includeArtifacts: boolean;