Search code examples

How to get all the Site collections/Webs from Tenant site collection in SPFX WebPart

we are trying to get all sites/webs from Tenant site.

So I did some research and finally got API EndPoints, find the link below.

https://{mycompany}'contentclass:STS_Site contentclass:STS_Web'&selectproperties='Title,Path'&rowlimit=500

the above link throws error please see the below screen shot

If I enter URLs manually in browser I can get Titles, site URLs fields with value, enter image description here

but from SPFX its not working

actually i am the Admin, tenant admin as well but still i am getting the below error Any assistance please?


  • import * as React from 'react';
    import { IExpProps } from './IExpProps';
    import { sp } from 'sp-pnp-js';
    export default class Exp extends React.Component<any, any> {
    constructor(props: any) {
    this.state = {
      Sites: [],
      Subsites: []
    componentDidMount() {
    let results: any = [];
    const searchQuery = `contentclass:STS_Site`;
      .then((searchResults) => {
        for (let i = 0; i < searchResults.PrimarySearchResults.length; i++) {
            path: searchResults.PrimarySearchResults[i].Path,
            Title: searchResults.PrimarySearchResults[i].Title
        this.setState({ Sites: results })
        console.log("Total SharePoint sites in the tenant:", results);
        for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
          let weburl = results[i].Title
, "Url").get().then((subsites) => {
            console.log("Subsites", subsites)
            this.setState({ Subsites: subsites })
            console.log("Subsites state", this.state.Subsites)
          }).catch((error) => {
      .catch((error) => {
        console.log("Error fetching SharePoint sites:", error);

    } public render(): React.ReactElement {

    return (
          { any, k: any) => {
            return [
          { any, k: any) => {
            return [

    } } Above is the code for getting the sites and subsites from tenant using pnpjs