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Convert matrix into dataframe using content in the cell

I am trying to convert a NxM matrix into a dataframe: for example, 2x2 matrix with row as A,B and column as 1,2, such as:

enter image description here

The cells inside each matrix contains 12 strings. I want to convert this matrix into 12 columns (same length as the strings), so it will look something like this, except with 12 columns

enter image description here

I tried using code below but no luck. Any help is appreciated!

       sample_layout = pd.read_excel(file_name.xlxs,engine='openpyxl',sheet_name=1, skiprows=0) #skip the first row which is the indexes of the well
       column_names = ['ID','sample_ID','sample_type','pilot_batch','tissue','hide_ID','hide_replicate','avg loaded weight mg','avg empty weight mg','net weight mg','date','operator']
       df_converted = pd.DataFrame(sample_layout, columns=column_names)


  • Assuming the data is like in your example, you can do this:

    import pandas as pd
    df.melt()['value'].str.split(',', expand=True)
    # similar alternative:
    df.stack().str.split(',', expand=True)
    # Output
       0             1        2    3  4        5  6         7         8        9      10  11
    0  19  SZ-0602-3- 1   sample  602  3  0602- 3  1  1640.605    1629.3  11.305   45133  SZ
    1  20  SZ-0602-3- 2   sample  602  3  0602- 3  2  1628.315  1617.095   11.2 2  45133  SZ
    2  19  SZ-0602-3- 1   sample  602  3  0602- 3  1  1640.605    1629.3  11.305   45133  SZ
    3  20  SZ-0602-3- 2   sample  602  3  0602- 3  2  1628.315  1617.095   11.2 2  45133  SZ
    # Reproducible data:
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        1: ["19,SZ-0602-3- 1, sample,602,3,0602- 3,1,1640.605,1629.3,11.305 ,45133,SZ", "20,SZ-0602-3- 2, sample,602,3,0602- 3,2,1628.315,1617.095,11.2 2,45133,SZ"],
        2: ["19,SZ-0602-3- 1, sample,602,3,0602- 3,1,1640.605,1629.3,11.305 ,45133,SZ", "20,SZ-0602-3- 2, sample,602,3,0602- 3,2,1628.315,1617.095,11.2 2,45133,SZ"]