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sympy simplify function contained a bug in sign

I was using the sympy to verify some hand calculation, the version was anaconda and

import sympy as sp

on Windows 11 Jupyter notebook.

The code ran as follow

from sympy import Function
eta = Function('eta')
from sympy import *
s,c,h=symbols('s c h',real=True)

A,B =symbols("A B")
chi_0=eta(s)**(-1) * q**(0-(c-1)/24)*(1-q)

The following code

print( chi_0.diff(s).subs((eta(s)**(-1)).diff(s),-B) .subs(eta(s)**(-1),A) .subs(s,0) )

produced the correct results

print( chi_0.diff(s).subs((eta(s)**(-1)).diff(s),-B) .subs(eta(s)**(-1),A) .subs(s,0) )

-2*pi*A*(1/24 - c/24)*(1 - exp(-2*pi))*exp(-2*pi*(1/24 - c/24)) + 2*pi*A*exp(-2*pi)*exp(-2*pi*(1/24 - c/24)) - B*(1 - exp(-2*pi))*exp(-2*pi*(1/24 - c/24))

Notice the sign in the term -2*pi*A*(1/24 - c/24)*(1 - exp(-2*pi))*exp(-2*pi*(1/24 - c/24)). However, when I tried to cancel the *exp(-2*pi*(1/24 - c/24)),

print( (( chi_0.diff(s).subs((eta(s)**(-1)).diff(s),-B) .subs(eta(s)**(-1),A) .subs(s,0) )/exp(pi*(c-1)/12)  ).simplify()  )
(-pi*A*(1 - exp(2*pi))*(c - 1)/12 + 2*pi*A + B*(1 - exp(2*pi)))*exp(-2*pi)

Notice that two of the terms (-pi*A*(1 - exp(2*pi))*(c - 1)/12 and B*(1 - exp(2*pi)))*exp(-2*pi) obtained the wrong sign, while the sign of the 2*pi*A remained correct.

Though an expansion statement could fix the result,

print( (( chi_0.diff(s).subs((eta(s)**(-1)).diff(s),-B) .subs(eta(s)**(-1),A) .subs(s,0) ).expand()/exp(pi*(c-1)/12)  ).simplify() )
-pi*A*c*exp(-2*pi)/12 + pi*A*c/12 - pi*A/12 + 25*pi*A*exp(-2*pi)/12 - B + B*exp(-2*pi)

it was not useful.

How did this happen?


  • You can see the behavior with a simpler example:

    >>> from import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy import signsimp
    >>> a = (1-x)*(y-1)*(1-z)/-1; a
    -(1 - x)*(1 - z)*(y - 1)
    >>> b = signsimp(_); b  # make expression canonical wrt sign
    -(x - 1)*(y - 1)*(z - 1)

    You can see that two things happened: order of factors was changed (but that's ok with commutative factors) and the signs of two factors was changed (and that preserves the overall sign).

    If you have doubts about whether two exprssions are equal or not you can try the following (which will return None if it can't tell):

    >>> a.equals(b)

    signsimp is part of the simplification process and might be one of the reasons that signs within factors changed (in a mathematically valid way).