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Limit characters or provide validation for input in TextField in SwiftUI

Goal: I would like to limit SwiftUI TextField input by having 3 characters maximum.

Result: For some reason there is a way to input more than 3 characters into TextField


  1. Enter "123" to text field
  2. Start typing multiple times "4"
  3. You'll see that for the each third input there will be "1234" inside the textfield

Additional info

  • print from getter and setter doesn't print "1234" output which is really weird
  • please check below gif

Question: How to limit/validate SwiftUI TextField input for given example?


Playground code:

import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
import Combine

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var inputValue: String = ""
    @State var previousValue: String = ""

    func getter() -> String {
        print("getter called with ", inputValue)
        return inputValue

    func setter(_ newValue: String) {
        print("setter called with ", inputValue)
        if newValue.count > 3 {
            inputValue = previousValue
        } else {
            inputValue = newValue
            previousValue = inputValue

    var body: some View {
        TextField("", text: .init(get: getter, set: setter))
            .frame(minWidth: 100)


Also, even if you update the TextField definition like:

    var body: some View {
        TextField("", text: .init(get: { "test "}, set: { _ in }))
            .frame(minWidth: 100)

to force "test" value always you still be able to input in every third attempt the additional character


  • This can be handled with .onChange view modifier. Apologies if my syntax is a bit off, don't have my IDE immediately available.

    In SwiftUI, you should never really use direct getters and setters.

      @State var yourText = ""
      var body: some View {
          VStack {
              // Your Text w/ @State Binding
          .onChange(of: yourText) { newValue in 
              // Handle your constraints here. 
              // Check your value, if it exceeds your 3 char
              // reset it back to the limit. 

    Update for 2023 | iOS 17+

    .onChange has been changed to directly use the yourText binding value inside of the closure, instead of the closure property.

    .onChange(of: yourText) {
        // Handle your constraints here. 
        // Use the `yourText` binding property instead of capturing `newValue`