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Why execution stops and false is returned (Open Policy Agent, Rego)

I want to implement complex validation but I don't have enough knowledge. This is how I imagine the rule to work in python:

input_data = {
    "attributes": {
        "request": {
            "http": {
                "headers": {
                    "claims": {
                        "realm_access": {
                            "roles": [
                                "[DATAFLOW] Delete Group",
                                "[CAPEX] Get All Kpis"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "path": "/pets/dogs"
        "parsed_path": [

data = {
        "endpoints": {
            "delete": {
                "[DATAFLOW] Delete Group": [
                        "parsed_path": [
                        "path_length": 5,
                        "rule": "[DATAFLOW] Delete Group"
                "[DATAFLOW] Delete Source": [
                        "parsed_path": [
                        "path_length": 6,
                        "rule": "[DATAFLOW] Delete Source"

def is_allowed():
    input_roles = input_data['attributes']['request']['http']['headers']['claims']['realm_access']['roles']
    input_method = input_data['attributes']['request']['http']['headers']['method'].lower()
    parsed_path = set(input_data['attributes']['parsed_path'])
    parsed_path_len = len(parsed_path)

    endpoints_by_rules = data['endpoints'][input_method]
    for input_role in input_roles:
        if input_role in endpoints_by_rules:
            rules = endpoints_by_rules[input_role]
            for rule in rules:
                rule_parsed_path = set(rule['parsed_path'])
                if parsed_path.intersection(rule_parsed_path) == rule_parsed_path \
                        and parsed_path_len == rule['path_length']:
                    return True
    return False

allow = True if is_allowed() else False

And here is what I was able to write, but this rule does not work correctly

package example

default allow = false

# Rule that checks access permission based on role and pathallow {

# Helper function to check access permission
is_allowed(attributes) {
  input_roles :=
  input_method := lower(attributes.request.http.headers.method)
  parsed_path := to_set(attributes.parsed_path)
  parsed_path_len := count(parsed_path)

  endpoints_by_rules := data.endpoints[input_method]

  # Checking that at least one user role has access
  some input_role
  input_role = input_roles[_]
  rules := endpoints_by_rules[input_role]

  # Checking that at least one rule for the current role allows access
  some rule
  rule = rules[_]
  rule_parsed_path := to_set(rule.parsed_path)

  # Checking that parsed_path contains all elements of rule_parsed_path
  rule_parsed_path & parsed_path == rule_parsed_path

  # Checking that the parsed_path length is equal to the path_length in the rule
  parsed_path_len == rule.path_length

# Helper function to convert list to set
to_set(l) = {x | x = l[_]}

Function execution stops at line with parsed_path Is it possible to debug the rules? Tell me what am I doing wrong


  • Is data.endpoints referred to in the policy provided during evaluation? If I cook one up, I can get your policy to evaluate to a result on the playground: