When I run this:
.should('have.value', 'phChecking')
I am trying to verify that the option is there and select it in a multiSelect listBox.
Currently, this fails as the return is in array format.
Error: AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected '<select#account.form-control.ng-untouched.ng-valid.ng-dirty>' to have value 'phChecking', but the value was [ '0: 'phChecking'' ]
A few attempts to match that:
.should('have.value', [ '0: \'phChecking\'' ])
resulted in:
Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected '<select#account.form-control.ng-untouched.ng-valid.ng-dirty>' to have value [ '0: 'phChecking'' ], but the value was [ '0: 'phChecking'' ]
Yes, they do look the same to me. Anyway, I'm trying to select the item and assert that it is there at the same time.
Checking the text instead of the value is one way to test the multi-select.
But the value you are getting ['0': 'phChecking']
is an array, because it is a multi-select, and you are able to have more than one value selected.
If you selected two items you would see something like
[ '0': 'phChecking', '1': 'phSavings' ]
When the result of a query is an array, you can't use a simple eq
to compare them because they are different arrays. eq
only compares the references (the array objects), not the contents of the arrays.
Use deep.eq
.should('deep.eq', ['0': 'phChecking'])