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What data is needed for an end to end docusign workflow process

I'm looking to understand what data is needed for API integration.

Do users have to have an account, does the user signature get associated to the users account? What data needs to be sent when integrating via API (and with no docusign UI ideally).

I've looked at the API documentation but I'm yet to understand exactly what data would be needed. Happy to provide more information if needed. I would be wanting to avoid the user having to give a visual consent.

Many thanks,


  • Regarding:

    Do users have to have an account

    The sender of a signing request (either the person themselves or the application on behalf of someone else) needs a paid account on DocuSign.

    The signer or signers or additional recipients of the signing request do not need anytype of account (nor any signup) with DocuSign.

    does the user signature get associated to the users account?

    The signer's signature is associated with the signer. When someone signs their second signing request, their preferred signing style is often saved from the prior time. Exceptions: embedded signing works slightly differently; people who sign via a mobile device usually sign their signature each time; the sender can require the signer to re-do their signature style.

    What data needs to be sent when integrating via API

    At a minimum:

    1. The document(s) that need to be signed. They can be in any of many different formats.
    2. The name and email or sms information for the signer(s)
    3. The location(s) on the page(s) of where the signer(s) should sign. There are multiple ways to specify the Sign Here tab locations.

    (and with no docusign UI ideally).

    Agreed! The best integrations with DocuSign often don't show any part of the DocuSign UI to the sender of the agreements.