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IBM Rhapsody terminates the animation when an operation is called from another block

I am new to Rahpsody/SysMl and I would like your support.

I have two blocks (B and C) that are parts of a bigger Block (A).

My goal is to call (from B) an operation (belonging to C) that will do some processing and returns a value.

I am not sure whether I need to create a triggered operation or a just simple one, so I went with the triggered option. I created a triggered operation in Block C and created an association relationship between Block B & C. Then from Block B's state machine I called the triggered operation.

The model builds successfully but during the simulation when the time comes to call the triggered operation, the simulation just terminates without any error message. If I remove the operation call, the simulation works normally.

Guys, am I missing something here ?

P.S : I'm using IBM Rhapsody 8.4


  • An association between B and C defines that some instances of B can be linked to some instances of C. It doesn‘t mean that all instances are linked. Therefore, the simulation engine cannot know, that you want the two instances who happen to be part of an instance of A to be linked. You have to specify this.

    The easiest way to do it, is to model a connector between the parts of A in an internal block diagram. Then you have to type the connector with the association.

    I haven’t tried whether Rhapsody will use this information. However, this is as it is specified in the Precise Semantics of Composite Structures specification, which supplements the UML and SysML.