I want to merge slides from multiple PowerPoint files into a single output file.
I have a folder filled with PowerPoint files that each only contain one slide. My current code creates a new presentation, copies the slides from the input files and pastes them into the output file.
I first tried this with python-pptx, but the few StackOverflow posts on this topic suggest that this is not or pretty much impossible, especially because I need to keep the layout, images, fonts, ... intact.
With some help from another SO post (I unfortunately do not know the source), I wrote a function that solves this problem:
def __mergePresentations(inputFileNames, outputFileName):
Application = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application")
outputPresentation = Application.Presentations.Add()
outputPresentation.SaveAs(outputFileName) # Save presentation to allow better modification
print("Filling presentation...")
for file in inputFileNames:
print(f"- Copying {str(file)}")
currentPresentation = Application.Presentations.Open(file)
currentPresentation.Slides.Range(range(1, 2)).copy() # Only copy the first slide
print("Saving presentation...")
print("Closing presentation...")
print("Presentation has been successfully saved.")
This code works, but for some reason, the program sometimes takes more than 30 seconds to save/quit. I know that Win32com can be pretty slow, but this makes the program almost unusable in its designated environment.
I am using PowerPoint on Office 365 and the program runs on Python 3.9. The code prints "Presentation has been successfully saved" instantly, but takes forever to return.
Did I forget any arguments to save the file properly? Can this be related to my environment?
For anyone else having this issue: Skip Application.Quit()
and rather quit by calling os.system('taskkill /F /IM POWERPNT.EXE')
This happens immediately and has the same functionality as Application.Quit()
(as far as I could tell from testing).