Trying to find a solution to my ranking problem.
Basically I have two multi-dimensional double[,] arrays. Both containing rankings for certain scenarios, so [rank number, scenario number]. More than one scenario can have the same rank.
I want to generate a third multi-dimensional array, taking the intersections of the previous two multi-dimensional arrays to provide a joint ranking.
Does anyone have an idea how I can do this in C#?
Many thanks for any advice or help you can provide!
Thank you for all the responses, sorry I should have included an example.
Here it is:
Array One:
Array Two:
Required Result:
Given the additional information, I'd argue that you aren't actually working with multidimensional arrays, but instead are working with a collection of pairs. The pair is a pair of doubles. I think the following should work nicely:
public class Pair : IEquatable<Pair>
public double Rank;
public double Scenario;
public bool Equals(Pair p)
return Rank == p.Rank && Scenario == p.Scenario;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hashRank= Rank.GetHashCode();
int hashScenario = Scenario.GetHashCode();
return hashRank ^ hashScenario;
You can then use the Intersect operator on IEnumerable:
List<Pair> one = new List<Pair>();
List<Pair> two = new List<Pair>();
// ... populate the lists
List<Pair> result = one.Intersect(two).ToList();
Check out the following msdn article on Enumerable.Intersect() for more information: