I have been up until now using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights DLL v2.20.
My web.config file has specified this:
<add xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking" type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.ApplicationInsightsHttpModule, Microsoft.AI.Web" />
This appears to pull down the Microsoft.AI.Agent.Intercept.dll file.
However, I've since upgraded to v2.21 of ApplicationInsights and the documentation doesn't reference this web.config segment to include it.
Therefore, do I take from this that I no longer need to include a reference to the Microsoft.AI.Agent.Intercept.dll? Even if I do need this, do I still need to include an explicit reference in my .csproj file?
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept">
Any thoughts?
As you can see the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept.dll
is compatible with .NET 4.0 and 4.5
framework versions.
But, it allowed me to install in .NET 4.7.2
and later versions.
When you add Application Insights from the Connected Services
, by default all the dll's
which are required to log the basic traces are added.
If you want to trace /log any additional requests/logs, then you can add the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept.dll
AFAIK, no need to include the intercept dll and if you want only the default traces from the application you can remove the explicit references from the .csproj
The latest Application Insights SDK will take care of the telemetry.