I try to create virtual novel game but I don't know what I already done so it suddenly have 7 error first is:
Assets\script\scriptreader.cs(8,14): error CS0101: The namespace '' already contains a definition for 'scriptreader'
and the six left is about my class
Type 'scriptreader' already defines a member called 'Start' with the same parameter types
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Ink.Runtime;
using TMPro;
public class scriptreader : MonoBehaviour
private TextAsset _InkJsonFile;
private Story _StoryScript;
public TMP_Text DialogueBox;
public TMP_Text nameTag;
public Image characterIcon;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
void Update()
void Loadstory()
_StoryScript = new Story(_InkJsonFile.text);
_StoryScript.BindExternalFunction("Name", (string CharName) => ChangeName(CharName));
public void DisplayNextLine()
if (_StoryScript.canContinue)
string text = _StoryScript.Continue();
text = text?.Trim();
DialogueBox.text = text;
DialogueBox.text = "ติดตามชมภาคต่อไป";
public void ChangeName(string name)
string speakerName = name;
nameTag.text = speakerName;
public void CharacterIcon(string name)
var charIcon = Resources.Load<Sprite>("");
I already reopen it but it still not working. Can you edit it or suggest it for me? I'm new in programming. Thanks
I think scriptreader
class exist twice. Change the class name or delete other class if not required.