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Unable to reference slot props inside template

I get the following warning in the browser when I try to reference the slot props. What am I missing?

[Vue warn]: Property "disabled" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

This is a link to a sandbox. The error is reproduced here

<script setup lang="ts">

          v-slot="{ disabled }"
          :class="{ 'bg-slate-400 text-white': disabled }"
        Item 1

And this is the implementation of the MenuItem component.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Component } from 'vue'

export interface MenuListItemProps {
  as?: string | Component
  disabled?: boolean
export interface MenuListItemSlots {
  default(props: { disabled: boolean }): any

withDefaults(defineProps<MenuListItemProps>(), {
  as: 'li',
  disabled: false


const itemref = ref<HTMLElement | null>()


      :disabled="disabled" //slot prop is being provided here

I was expecting the disbaled slot prop to be accessible on the class binding. However when i try to access that as shown in the code. I do get a warning.


  • While I don't understand why the usage above won't work. I figured a way around it.

          v-slot="{ disabled }"
        <span :class="{ 'bg-slate-500 text-white': disabled, 'block': true }">
          Item 3

    I'm thinking perhaps you can't use slot props on the component providing those props. You can only use the slot props on elements or components inside the slot content.