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How to find the closest geospatial line to a geospatial point


I have 500,000+ road objects for all the roads in the state of Illinois that have a Geoshape property for a line. I additionally have a set of objects for points across the state.


I would like to add to the backing dataset of the points object type a column for the ID of the closest road to each point. Most roads are within 50m of the points so this fact could help optimize whatever method is chosen.

Previous attempts

I tried using the DataFrame.knn_join() method part of the geospatial-tools library native to Palantir. However, testing it shows that it apparently finding the closest line to a point doesn't work. Only finding the closest point to a point works. It also takes very long as well.

I also tried doing a DataFrame.distance_join() however that returns all the objects within a distance and I only want the closest. I guess I could get all the roads within 50 m of the points and then calculate the distance between each of the results and the point and find the minimum but that seems like overkill and it will exclude roads more than 50m away.

I finally thought of using another library instead of geospatial-tools to do what I want. I asked ChatGPT how I could do this and it came up with part of this code that uses GeoSpark:

from transforms.api import transform_df, Input, Output
from geospatial_tools import geospatial
from geospark.register import GeoSparkRegistrator
from geospark.core.spatialOperator import JoinQuery

def compute(ctx, roads, points):


    joined_df = JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQuery(points, roads, True, False)

    return joined_df

However, when I ran this I got this error:

Java classpath reference error

A Python dependency you are using is attempting to reference a Java jar not in the classpath. Please check recently added Python dependencies, and add a dependency on the necessary Java packages (JARs) in the build.gradle file.

I'm not sure how to solve this.

Let me know another solution or how to fix this code!


  • You can do this in code repositories with the caveat that there's no convenient way to take advantage of distributed processing because Apache Sedona's KNN only works for one point at a time and the other solutions use in-memory tools (e.g. geopandas). There was a paper from 2021 about implementing a KNN join query in Sedona, which would be distributed in the normal way Spark jobs can be, and the code appears to exist on a fork of Sedona.

    If future readers are more familiar with geopandas or some other geospatial package, that's probably a better approach for them than the code below. My solution doesn't scale to massive data (but many shapefiles aren't actually that big on disk). I tested this code on the Illinois Sinkholes shapefile and the Illinois Roads shapefile from TIGER.

    Notes about this code:

    • It assumes you upload all relevant shapefile files to a dataset (using the dataset like a folder for the .shp, .cpg, etc. files). One dataset for points and one for lines.
    • It hard-codes column name assumptions that you will need to change
    • It applies a Spark anti-pattern of looping through a collected dataframe
    • The output column you care about -- the one with the roads info in it -- is a tab-delimited string of all the columns for that row in the roads dataset; it's named "nearest_road" in the output dataset.

    from transforms.api import transform, Input, Output
    from geospatial_tools import geospatial
    from sedona.register.geo_registrator import SedonaRegistrator
    from sedona.utils.adapter import Adapter
    from sedona.core.formatMapper.shapefileParser import ShapefileReader
    from sedona.core.spatialOperator import KNNQuery
    from sedona.core.enums import IndexType
    from shapely import wkt
    import logging
    from pyspark.sql import Row
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    def compute(ctx, points, roads, output_df):
        roads_rdd = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(
            ctx.spark_session.sparkContext, roads.filesystem().hadoop_path
        points_rdd = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(
            ctx.spark_session.sparkContext, points.filesystem().hadoop_path
        roads_rdd.buildIndex(IndexType.RTREE, False)
        points_df = Adapter.toDf(points_rdd, ctx.spark_session)
        k = 1
        using_index = True
        points_list = points_df.collect()  # noqa
        nearest_roads = []
        for point in points_list:
                nearest_road = (
                        roads_rdd, point.asDict()["geometry"], k, using_index
            except Exception as e:
                nearest_road = None
            p_dict = point.asDict()
            p_dict["nearest_road"] = nearest_road
            p_dict["geometry"] = wkt.dumps(p_dict["geometry"])
        points_nearest_df = ctx.spark_session.createDataFrame(nearest_roads)