please give some advise about the bus.bus mechanism. I want that after calling the python function of the model, another function is called on the client side, also i want to call js function on every active user. for example:
def my_func(self):
self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(...) # or something like this
export class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(...args) {
// here i wanna connect event to function test()
test() {
how can I do this?
well, after some time of research, I found a solution how to implement such a mechanism. first i tried to create my own channel for bus.bus but it didn't work for me so i went a trickier way. I use the already existing activity_updated channel and send a notification to it with the required parameter that will mark my activity. so, here is my code:
here i can send signal to all partners i need in any place i want.
update_counters - is a parameter to mark just my actions and do not run any another
[i, 'mail.activity/updated', {'update_counters': True}] for i in self.partner_ids
export class AppsBar extends Component {
constructor(...args) {
Component.env.bus.on('activity_updated', this, this.update_counters);
this.my_counter = 0;
async update_counters(data) {
var do_this = false;
if (data === undefined) {
do_this = true;
} else if (typeof data == "object") {
if ('update_counters' in data) {
do_this = true;
if (do_this) {
var rpc = require('web.rpc');
var rpc_data = await rpc.query({
model: 'res.users',
method: 'get_counters',
args: [[]],
this.my_counter= rpc_data['my_counter'];
Component.env.bus.on('activity_updated', this, this.update_counters);
- this is my subscription to signal