I am making a discord bot in Python using Nextcord. Slash commands are working fine, and I am able to send messages in the Discord channel.
Now what I am trying to achieve is, when there is a new sale in my Django website, I want my discord bot to send a message with its details. Points to note:
I have gone through the Discord developer's documentation and don't seem to find anything helpful. Any help is appreciated.
I am expecting a message from my discord bot in the Discord server on an event triggered from another platform (in this case, an event/API call is initiated from Django server/website and my bot should send a message in Discord server)
Got a better way to achieve this using help from Discord Developers Community
I am expecting a message from my discord bot in the Discord server on an event triggered from another platform (in this case, an event/API call is initiated from Django server/website and my bot should send a message in Discord server)
Help I received from community moderator AEnterprise is in the below image with reference to this documentation section
When I tried this using my Bot token, it worked! API call (tested in postman, will work same on any platform)
Add Header Authorization with value Bot <Paste your Bot Token Here>
RESULT ACHIEVED: Message received on Discord Channel in which bot is added already.