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WSO2 : Building micro-integrator project from the source failing

I need to update some of the internal jars in my micro-integrator project (v4.0.0) to a specific version, and i'm doing that by building it from the source repo here . I've downgraded my java home to 8 as specified in the requirements, and am upgrading the jars required in the pom.xml file one by one and then building so that I can isolate and identify the errors(if any). I found that when I upgraded my netty.version in the pom to 4.1.86.Final, I get the following error: ......

Installing 4.0.0. Installing 4.0.0. Installing 4.0.0. Installation failed. Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: org.wso2.micro.integrator.websocket.feature 4.0.0 ( 4.0.0)
Missing requirement: Netty/Handler 4.1.86.Final (io.netty.handler 4.1.86.Final) requires 'package [4.1.0,5.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Netty/Codec/HTTP 4.1.86.Final (io.netty.codec-http 4.1.86.Final) To: package io.netty.handler.ssl [4.1.0,5.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency: From: org.wso2.micro.integrator.websocket.feature 4.0.0 ( 4.0.0) To: io.netty.codec-http [4.1.86.Final]

I've looked though the p2-profile repo and the package is being referenced in the \micro-integrator\p2-profile\target\p2-repo\content.xml file.

I would like to know how I can add this package to the build. Thanks!


  • Just migrate your Artifacts to the latest Micro Integrator version(4.2) where the Netty version is upgraded. You can see the updated version here.