suppose to have the following table:
Patient weight_class Region Social_Class Year 1 1 A 0 2015 2 2 A 1 2015 3 1 A 0 2015 4 4 B 0 2015 5 4 C 2 2015 6 3 C 2 2015 7 1 C 2 2015
Is there a way to do the proc freq so that the output looks like this?
Finally, is there a way to write a macro/code in an "universal" way so that the format will be generated independently form the name of a specific variable? (To note: this is not fundamental with respect to the first question).
Thank you very much!
For just data set output you can follow Proc FREQ
proc sort data=have;
by year region social_class weight_class;
proc freq noprint data=have;
by year region social_class;
table weight_class / out=freqs;
proc transpose data=freqs out=want(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=weight_class_;
by year region social_class;
id weight_class;
var count;
The output has dependencies on appearance ordering of values identifier (id) and does not have rows for some combinations year, region, social_class.
The ordering can be adjusted by adding more data that forces the transposed column ordering. Addtionally, a key_combinations data set will need to be created to force the groups that have no counts.
Forcing data
/* Predefined (includes year 2016 not in data) */
data years; do year = 2015 to 2016; output; end; run;
data regions; do region = 'A', 'B', 'C'; output; end; run;
data socials; do social_class = 0 to 2; output; end; run;
data weights; do weight_class = 1 to 4; output; end; run;
proc sql;
create table all_combinations as
select year, region, social_class, weight_class
from years, regions, socials, weights
Or perhaps, just the independent coverage of the by variables
/* Assumed (contextual coverage) */
proc sql;
create table all_combinations as
select year, region, social_class, weight_class
from (select distinct year from have)
, (select distinct region from have)
, (select distinct social_class from have)
, (select distinct weight_class from have)
Merge the forced data with the original data and setup a value for Proc FREQ
data have_all;
merge have(in=have) all_combinations ;
by year region social_class weight_class ;
proc freq noprint data=have_all;
by year region social_class;
table weight_class / out=freqs_all;
weight freq / zeros;
proc transpose data=freqs_all out=want(drop=_name_ _label_) prefix=weight_class_;
by year region social_class;
id weight_class;
var count;
The wide (pivoted) style of data is often not overly useful for addtional analysis and it is better to leave the data in categorical form and instead generate a pivoted report using Proc TABULATE
Plain tabulate (does not cover all combinations, only those present in the data)
proc tabulate data=have;
class region social_class year weight_class;
year * region * social_class
, weight_class * n
Tabulate with CLASSDATA=
proc format;
value na .='na';
proc tabulate data=have classdata=all_combinations;
class year region social_class weight_class;
year * region * social_class
, weight_class * n=' '*f=na.