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How to swich the color theme in WinUI3 manually?

I want to build a combobox to let user choose which theme they want the app to display.

I added a combobox on my WinUI projects's settings page
The code go like this:

<!--XAML CODE-->

<ComboBox x:Name="themeMode" SelectionChanged="Themes_SelectionChanged">

But I don't know how to defined "Themes_SelectionChanged"
(I have found some ways, but I think they're too complex to implement just this simple functionality, aren't there any simple way to acieve this?)


  • Let's say this ComboBox is in MainPage.xaml.

    <ComboBox x:Name="themeMode" SelectionChanged="Themes_SelectionChanged">

    then in MainPage.xaml.cs

    private void Themes_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (sender is ComboBox comboBox &&
            comboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem comboBoxItem &&
            comboBoxItem.Content is string themeString &&
            Enum.TryParse(themeString, out ElementTheme theme) is true)
            this.RequestedTheme = theme;

    Also, instead of manually adding items in XAML, you can do it this way.

    In MainPage.xaml:

    public ImmutableArray<string> ElementThemeOptions { get; } = ImmutableArray.Create(Enum.GetNames<ElementTheme>());
    private void Themes_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (sender is ComboBox comboBox &&
            comboBox.SelectedValue is string themeString &&
            Enum.TryParse(themeString, out ElementTheme theme) is true)
            this.RequestedTheme = theme;

    And in MainPage.xaml:

        ItemsSource="{x:Bind ElementThemeOptions}"
        SelectionChanged="Themes_SelectionChanged" />


    Don't forget to do this in the root page, MainPage in this case.

        <local:MainPage />