The output should be: [[], ['new element'], []]
but is [[], [], []]
just blank. Why?
from multiprocessing import Manager
if __name__ == '__main__':# Create a Manager object
manager = Manager()
# Create a shared list of lists
shared_list = manager.list([[], [], []])
# Append an element to the second index
element = "New Element"
# Print the updated shared list
Because you aren't appending to the manager.list
anywhere. You are retrieving a value, which copies a new object into your current process. That value is a list, when you then append to. But the manager.list
has no way of knowing that. From the docs:
If standard (non-proxy)
objects are contained in a referent, modifications to those mutable values will not be propagated through the manager because the proxy has no way of knowing when the values contained within are modified. However, storing a value in a container proxy (which triggers a__setitem__
on the proxy object) does propagate through the manager and so to effectively modify such an item, one could re-assign the modified value to the container proxy
So you could do:
inner = shared_list[1]
shared_list[1] = inner