I'm just playing around with python concepts such as while loops, classes, methods and return values. The thing is, to make it "more attractive" I'm doing it with a class that's named Pokemon()
The code looks like this:
import random
class Pokemon():
def __init__(self): #Pokemon attributes
self.health = 100
self.damage = 5
self.__lives = 3 #? //Not used
def checkalive(self, opponent): #Check if the pokemon's still alive, args: the pokemon and the opponent
while self.health and opponent.health > 0:
return True #If both of them alive, return true
return False #If neither of them alive, return false
def attack(self, opponent): #Attack function, args: the pokemon and the opponent
while True:
check = self.checkalive(opponent) #Check if the pokemons are alive
while check == True: #In case it returns True go on with the combat
randomNumber = random.randint(0,5) #Just creating a random number
if randomNumber == 3: #If that random number equals to 3 (20%) the opponent will defend itself and will counterattack our Pokemon
self.health -= opponent.damage
print("Got it wrong! You've got " + str(self.health) + " HP remaining.")
else: #If not (80%), just go on with the combat
opponent.health -= self.damage
print("The opponent now has " + str(opponent.health) + " HP! Your pokemon still has got " + str(self.health) + " HP left.")
print("End of combat") #Once one of them is dead, end of combat
Squirtle = Pokemon() #Our pokemon
Pikachu = Pokemon() #Opponent
I've created two very basic methods. One is checkalive()
, just as its name says it just makes sure if the Pokemons involved in a combat are still alive, returning True or False values.
The other one is attack()
, that basically just hurts the Ally Pokemon/Opponent Pokemon depending on a probability of 80%/20%. It is a really simple code and before implementing the checkalive() function it worked perfectly. However, now the while runs an indeterminately amount of times, going below negative health values. I tried to figure what's going on, tried to change the "While" for an "If" condition statement and etc, but still no clue. Any suggestion would be really appreciated.
You are forgetting to update the loop condition! Notice that check
is never updated in your while loop. What you have to do is the following:
while check == True:
... # do whatever you would like to do like generate random number etc.
check = self.checkalive(opponent)
This should work.