I have a simple flow: GenerateFlowFile -> FetchGCSObject (on failure) -> LogMessage -> PutSlack.
In PutSlack for the Webhook Text, I have the value of Dynamic Message: ${"Log message"}. However, in my Slack channel, I see Dynamic Message:
Not for sure what I'm doing incorrectly, any help is appreciated.
This answer Pass data (e.g. log message) from processor to Slack or LogMessage processor seems to suggest that I can use Expression language. I've tried ${'Log Message'}, ${"Log Message"}, ${"Log message"}, ${'Log message'}, ${Log Message}, ${message}, ${"message"}, but nothing seems to work.
I also tried: ${log-message} and ${"log-message"} and those did not work. I tried that based on the code found here: https://github.com/apache/nifi/blob/rel/nifi-1.22.0/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-standard-bundle/nifi-standard-processors/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/processors/standard/LogMessage.java.
Note that I am able to pass down properties from the GenerateFlowFile and PutSlack utilizes those values.
The LogMessage Processor doesn't have any Write attributes, which doesn't add anything to the flowFile. If one wanted to just have a single place to reuse a log message, the option would be to use: UpdateAttribute -> LogMessage (use expression language for the new attribute) -> PutSlack (use expression language for the new attribute).
Thank you Saeed Mousazadeh for conversing with me to help better understand Nifi