I try to subscribe to a javascript event in my own javascript plugin, but its not working properly and I dont have a clue what I am missing here.
In my init function of my javascript plugin I have the following code:
const SwkwebProductSetConfigurator = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstances("SwkwebProductSetConfigurator");
if(SwkwebProductSetConfigurator.length > 0){
'swkwebProductSet/onSetAddToCart', this.onSetAddToCart[this]
The list is showing the plugin, but console.log(SwkwebProductSetConfigurator.length); is outputting 0?!? When I get the instance of e.g. "AccountMenu" count is one.
When I console.log in the init function of the third party plugin and mine, I see, that mine is executed first.
How can I solve this?
Update: OK, so its important when each Plugin is installed! I uninstalled the other Plugin and reinstalled it. Afterwards I could subscribe to the event from the other plugin. Its no problem to uninstall/install plugins in a dev environment, but how can this be managed in a production shop? Additionally when my plugin is available in the shopware store?
The plugins are initialized on the DOMContentLoaded
event so by then all plugins should've been registered and you should be able to subscribe to their events.
// how the plugins are initialized
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => PluginManager.initializePlugins(), false);
// how you can do stuff depending on another plugin being registered
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const SwkwebProductSetConfigurator = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstances("SwkwebProductSetConfigurator");
// ...