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Can I prevent the need to pass this into inherited function as a parameter?

Base class 1:

class CBaseEditor
    bool CBaseEditor::ImportTemplate(CWnd* pParent)
        CFileDialog dlgImport(TRUE,
        _T(".XSL"), _T(""), 
        _T("FilterText"), pParent);

Base class 2:

class CResizingDialog : public CDialogEx


Dialog class, derived from both bases:

class CFieldServiceGroupReportDlg : public CResizingDialog, public CBaseEditor
    void SuneFunc()

My ImportTemplate function, is there anyway for it to get access to the "this" from the caller without having to pass "this" in?

Based on the comment provided I have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is change my existing constructor (field class has since been renamed):

CPublishersDatabaseViewerDlg::CPublishersDatabaseViewerDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
    : CResizingDialog(L"GroupsReport", IDD_DIALOG_PUBLISHERS_DATABASE_VIEWER, pParent)
    , m_strPreviewXSL(L"")
    m_strPreviewXSL = theApp.GetStringSetting(L"Options", L"PublisherDB_Style", L"PublisherDB--Field Service Groups");


By design the dialog class accepts a parent. Likewise, I should change CBaseEditor to accept an appropriate parent in some way. Than I won't need to pass it all the time. This is my base constructors:

CResizingDialog::CResizingDialog(const CString& strWindowID, UINT nIDTemplate, CWnd* pParent /* nullptr */, bool bOnlyStorePosition /* false */)
    : CDialogEx(nIDTemplate, pParent)
    , m_bDoNotShowResizeIcon(false)
    , m_bOnlyStorePosition(bOnlyStorePosition)
    , m_bLimitToHorizontalResizing(false)
    , m_strWindowID(strWindowID)
    m_rcInit.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);

CBaseEditor::CBaseEditor() noexcept(false)


  • Step 1

    Change my dialog constructor to feed in the this to the CBaseEditor:

    CPublishersDatabaseViewerDlg::CPublishersDatabaseViewerDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/) noexcept(false)
        : CResizingDialog(L"GroupsReport", IDD_DIALOG_PUBLISHERS_DATABASE_VIEWER, pParent)
        , CBaseEditor(this)
        , m_strPreviewXSL(L"")
        m_strPreviewXSL = theApp.GetStringSetting(L"Options", L"PublisherDB_Style", L"PublisherDB--Field Service Groups");

    Step 2

    Add a new CWnd* variable to the base editor and update the constructor:

    CBaseEditor::CBaseEditor(CWnd* pParent /* nullptr */) noexcept(false)
        m_pParentWnd = pParent;

    Step 3

    Change the ImportTemplate function as it no longer needs the parent passed in. We can use the m_pParentWnd instead.