I have a page with a Text area item. Users will often use this item to store links as text. E.g.:
Some user text <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/">user link</a>
But when it's saved, everything after the https gets lost, like this:
Some user text <a href="https
Instead of storing the original. Question is, how can I store links for this case where the field will always be surrounded by text?
I created such an example:
create table test
(id number primary key,
text varchar2(200));
Using the Wizard (interactive report with included form page) on apex.oracle.com (which currently runs Apex 23.1.3) with default settings, everything seems to be fine - nothing is being lost.
This is a screenshot which shows the IR page in the background and Form page on top of it. As you can see, the whole link is here:
from that table to check the contents?Consider creating sample page on apex.oracle.com, share developer's credentials so that we could connect and see what you actually did.