Search code examples

Quarkus kotlin and reactive hibernate with panache No current Mutiny.Session found error with suspend function only

Making the findByStatusAndTypeAndLanguage function below a suspend function causes "java.lang.IllegalStateException: No current Mutiny.Session found" error, but the function above it is suspend with no errors. Removing the suspend from the repository function makes it work as intended.

public class PostRepository : PanacheRepositoryBase<Post, String> {

    suspend fun findPostById(id: String): Uni<Post> =
        findById(id) ?: throw Exception("Post with id $id not found")

    suspend fun savePost(post: Post): Uni<Post> {
        post.createdOn =

        return persistAndFlush(post)
    suspend fun findByStatusAndTypeAndLanguage(
        status: PostStatus,
        type: PostType,
        language: WrittenLanguage,
        page: Int
        ): Uni<List<Post>> {
           val posts: PanacheQuery<Post> =
               find("type = ?1 and status = ?2 and 
               writtenLanguage = ?3", type, status, language)
           return posts
                 .page(Page.of(page, 10))

I'm calling them from a service class (which I'm not sure is needed), here it can be a suspend function no problem

class PostService(private val postRepository: PostRepository) {

    suspend fun savePost(post: Post): Uni<Post> {
        return this.postRepository.savePost(post)
    suspend fun findByStatusAndTypeAndLanguage(
        status: PostStatus,
        type: PostType,
        language: WrittenLanguage,
        page: Int
    ) = postRepository.findByStatusAndTypeAndLanguage(status, type, language, page)


Then finally here, where it can also be a suspend function with no issue

class PostController(private val postService: PostService) {

    suspend fun createPost(post: Post): Post {
        return postService.savePost(post).awaitSuspending()

    suspend fun getPosts(locale: String, pageNumber: Int): RestResponse<List<Post>> {
        val language = if (locale == "ar") WrittenLanguage.ARABIC else WrittenLanguage.ENGLISH
        var page = pageNumber

        if (pageNumber > 0)  page -= 1
        if (pageNumber <= 0) return RestResponse.status<List<Post>>(400)
        val posts = postService.findByStatusAndTypeAndLanguage(
        return RestResponse.ok(posts)



    You can use Panache.withSession() to bypass.