I have converted code from Delphi 6 32-bit to Delphi 11 64-bit, and in the source code we have used Fast String to use the FastReplace()
and FastPos()
I have tried to compile the FastStrings.pas
unit file using Delphi 11 64-bit, but it raises a compilation error as it contains asm
code. So, I have replaced the FastPos()
function to Pos()
to resolve the compilation error.
What could be an exact alternate method to including the FastPos()
function that has the same functionality?
//The first thing to note here is that I am passing the SourceLength and FindLength
//As neither Source or Find will alter at any point during FastReplace there is
//no need to call the LENGTH subroutine each time !
function FastPos(const aSourceString, aFindString : string; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer;
JumpTable: TBMJumpTable;
//If this assert failed, it is because you passed 0 for StartPos, lowest value is 1 !!
Assert(StartPos > 0);
if aFindLen < 1 then begin
Result := 0;
if aFindLen > aSourceLen then begin
Result := 0;
MakeBMTable(PChar(aFindString), aFindLen, JumpTable);
Result := Integer(BMPos(PChar(aSourceString) + (StartPos - 1), PChar(aFindString),aSourceLen - (StartPos-1), aFindLen, JumpTable));
if Result > 0 then
Result := Result - Integer(@aSourceString[1]) +1;
I have used the StringReplace()
function instead of FastReplace()
and it works fine in Delphi 64-bit.
Kindly, provide any solution to implement FastPos()
functionality in Delphi 11 64-bit.
I have used Pos()
and it's working fine as required.