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Enable debug logs in `ng build`

How do I enable debug logs in ng build ? I want to see what the basePath is. The snippet below is from program_based_entry_point_finder.js.


    ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder.prototype.walkBasePathForPackages = function (basePath) {
        var _this = this;
        this.logger.debug("No manifest found for " + basePath + " so walking the directories for entry-points.");
        var entryPoints = utils_1.trackDuration(function () { return _this.entryPointCollector.walkDirectoryForPackages(basePath); }, function (duration) { return _this.logger.debug("Walking " + basePath + " for entry-points took " + duration + "s."); });
        this.entryPointManifest.writeEntryPointManifest(basePath, entryPoints);
        return entryPoints;
  • Tried to pass --verbose and --configuration="development" without success.

    ng build --verbose --configuration="development"

  • Angular configuration specification doesn't seem to have any option to change log level.


  • "build": {
          "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
          "options": {
            "verbose": true

    Then build using:

    ng build --verbose