I am new to node-red and have a very basic question. How would I break or stop a running flow in node-red?
Is it possible to stop execution if a desired condition is met?
If you look in the settings.json
(location listed in the startup log) you should find a section runtimeState
runtimeState: {
/** enable or disable flows/state endpoint. Must be set to `false` to disable */
enabled: true,
/** show or hide runtime stop/start options in the node-red editor. Must be set to `false` to hide */
ui: true,
The defaults are false, but if you change them to true you should get a Start/Stop option on the drop down from the Deploy button:
You can also toggle it with curl, e.g.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:1880/flows/state -d '{"state": "stop"}'